Help:Itrainz chat interface

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This page provides online help for the iTrainz Chat interface.

Click the green "Head" icon on the top menubar to open the chat window. There you will see the #trainz channel. Click on it to begin chatting via text to other Trainz users.


Chat Channels

Chat channels allow multiple users to join a conversation simultaneously. Channel names differ from user names in that all channel names start with a hash (#) symbol.

Adding a chat channel to your buddy list does not autoamtically join you to the channel - you must first click on the channel name to open the channel window. Closing the channel window or exiting Trainz will disconnect you from the chat channel. Minimizing a channel window does not disconnect you from the chat channel.

The following chat channels are maintained:

  • #trainz - The general Trainz community chat channel.

Planet Auran Users

The iTrainz Chat uses your Planet Auran account to identify you. This means that you can locate your friends using the same unique names as they use in the Auran Trainz forums.

Buddy List

Requires explanation.

See Also


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