CCG/Kind: DriverCharacter
From TrainzOnline
This is the TRS locomotive driver character.
DriverCharacter Config.txt
kind "drivercharacter" face-texture "dave64.texture" ..... this is the 64x64 TGA with texture.txt file kuid <kuid:16:10129> mesh <kuid:-3:10130> ..... this is the kuid of the mesh asset of the driver to appear in the loco category-class "OHD" category-region "FR" trainz-build 2.9 .... updated category-era "1920s;1930s;1940s" username "Dave" kuid-table { 0 <kuid:-3:10130> } thumbnails { 0 { image "preview.jpg" width 240 height 180 } 1 { image "dave64.texture" width 64 height 64 } }
face-texture This is the driver icon used in TRS.
mesh This refers to the kuid of the mesh inserted in the locomotive mesh at a.driver0, (when in the Driver Module).
DriverCharacter Mesh Directory Structure
This is a separate mesh asset which is the model of the driver that appears on the a.driver0 attachment in locos.
kind “mesh” kuid <kuid:-3:10130> category-class "OHD" category-region "FR" trainz-build 2.9 .... updated category-era "1920s;1930s;1940s" username "Driver Dave" mesh-table { standing { mesh "dave/" } sitting { mesh "dave_lowres/" } } thumbnails { 0 { image "preview.jpg" width 240 height 180 } }