One of the LOD reductions of mesh lod (lm) file introduces a new attachment point: attachment point name.
A mesh that is listed at a lower level in the LOD contains an attachment point that is not included in one or more meshes at a higher level in the LOD.
Lower-level LOD meshes can omit attachment points that exist in the higher-level LOD meshes, but they should not introduce new attachment points.
For example:
! <kuid:487016:101617> VE162: One of the LOD reductions of 'lxd2_body/lxd2_body.lm.txt' introduces a new attachment point: a.loaderl
This error can occur where an attachment point is misspelled in the lower-level LOD mesh, or where a generic mesh has been used for the lowest level LOD.
The error can be fixed by reconfiguring the mesh - for instance by adjusting the attachment point name or by removing the attachment point from the lower level LOD mesh, or by adding the attachment point to the higher-level LOD mesh.