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Revision as of 00:56, 25 April 2024 by Ek.skirl (Talk | contribs)

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TBD: Update text

 TBD: Repost or update additional informations after reposting the registered objectsoup.
 * CONTCRANE: Repost a goid list of reachable stacks. The contcrane itself informs the stacks about it's object data to update the maximum count of stackable containers.
 * CONTAINER: If a container has no stack place, randomly attach him to a free stack place and repost it. In case there is no one, repost an empty stack goid with place zero. TBD: What happens if the stack it attached to does not exist? Possibly handled as a free container?


Asset files pre version 0.1

The files compile errorless and the messaging runs well. No more functionality implemented and tested in this pre version.


 kuid               <kuid2:215489:110000:1>
 username           "aCTS DISPATCHER Library V1"
 kind               "Library"
 category-class     "YL"
 trainz-build       4.6
 description        "aCTS DISPATCHER Library V1"
 script             "acts_dispatcher.gs"
 class              "acts_dispatcher"
     image          "acts_dispatcher_thumb.jpg"
     width          240
     height         180


 include "acts_global_values.gs"
 include "acts_tools_script.gs"
 // aCTS Dispatcher V0.1 Central Script - acts_dispatcher
 // X acts_dispatcher             <-- acts_dispatcher_script
 // X acts_dispatcher_script      <-- acts_dispatcher_globals
 // X acts_dispatcher_globals     <-- acts_global_values
 //   acts_global_values          <-- MapObject
 class acts_dispatcher_globals isclass acts_global_values
   // Store from dispatcher received object registration values to the 
   // respective dispatchers sub soup. The sub soups register ids run as int  
   // from 0 ... The received id -1 tells, that the object isn't yet
   // registered.
   // Because the register id number list gets gaps while unregistering it will
   // be nessecary to have some gap filling methods additionally. See
   // AppendInsertUpdateObjectDataSoups and FindObjectSoupEntry methods.
   // AssetInstanceSoup {
   //   ObjectDataSoup { ... },    Only container, contstack, contcrane
   //   LocationSoup { ... },      Only container, contstack, contcrane
   //   OrientationSoup { ... },   Only container, contstack, contcrane
   //   SkinDataSoup { ... },      Only container
   //   ContentDataSoup { ... },   Only container
   // X DispatcherDataSoup { ... } Only dispatcher
   // X ContainerSoups  { ... }    Only dispatcher
   // X ContstackSoups  { ... }    Only dispatcher
   // X ContcraneSoups  { ... }    Only dispatcher
   // }
   Soup ContainerSoups = Constructors.NewSoup();
   Soup ContstackSoups = Constructors.NewSoup();
   Soup ContcraneSoups = Constructors.NewSoup();
   Soup DispatcherDataSoup = Constructors.NewSoup();
   // ObjectDataSoup received from and posted to objects.
   // ObjectDataSoup { goid GameObjectID, type string, dispID int,
   //                  length int, height int,
   //                  stack goid, place int,           Only container
   //                  active bool, action string },
   // activ: true means the object sended a register message while session run.
   //        All objects were set false while initialising dispatcher and if
   //        they stay false their entries will be deleted next initialising.
   // actions: ["APPENDED", "INSERTED", "UPDATED"];
   GameObjectID dispgoid = me.GetGameObjectID();
   string objecttype;
   GameObjectID objectgoid;
 class acts_dispatcher_script isclass acts_dispatcher_globals
   public void SetProperties(Soup soup)   // Callback method after Init method
     isSetPropertiesMethodFinnished = true;
   public Soup GetProperties(void)   // Callback method before closing session 
     Soup soup = inherited();
     return soup;
   public void WorldInitHandler(Message msg)
     if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
             + " [" + dispgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]"
             + msg.major+"] ["+msg.minor+"]");
     // If one of the two methods (Init or SetProperties) isn't finished yet, 
     // post "World","ModuleInit" message a little bit later again.
     // So it is guaranteed that the Init and SetProperties methods are finished
     // as well as the "World","ModuleInit" message tells to be save using the 
     // World.GetCurrentModule method.
     if (!(isSetPropertiesMethodFinnished and isInitMethodFinnished))
        // While first run and before first session save for libraries the 
        // SetProperties methon will not run, whle no soup stored. If this case
        // isn't handeled, the repost of "World","ModuleInit" runs infinitly.
        if (!DispatcherDataSoup.GetNamedTagAsBool("firstrun")) 
           PostMessage(me, "World", "ModuleInit", 0.1);
     isWorldInitFinnished = true;
     PostMessage(me, "OBJECTINIT", "WORLD_INIT_FINNISHED", 0.0);
   public void ObjectInitHandler(Message msg)
     // Until the Trainz core send the "World","ModuleInit" message it is not
     // guarented to decide with the World.GetCurrentModule method to be in the 
     // returned module! 
     if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
             + " [" + dispgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]"
             + " DISPATCHER GOT MESSAGE ["+msg.major+"] ["+msg.minor+"]");
     if (msg.dst==me and msg.major=="OBJECTINIT")
       if (msg.minor=="INIT_FINNISHED")
         // Not used yet
       if (msg.minor=="SETPROPS_FINNISHED")
         // If DispatcherDataSoup is empty, this is the first call unsaved call
         if (DispatcherDataSoup.CountTags()==0)
       if (msg.minor=="WORLD_INIT_FINNISHED")
         // Do no module only, driver module only or surveyor module only
         // related initiations
         if (World.GetCurrentModule() == World.DRIVER_MODULE)
           // Not used yet
         if (World.GetCurrentModule() == World.SURVEYOR_MODULE)
           // Not used yet
         if (World.GetCurrentModule() == World.NO_MODULE)
           // Not used yet
   // Search the objects soup for next free entry gap. Parameter dsp is the
   // object's type dispatcher sub soup (ContainerSoups, ContstackSoups or
   // ContcraneSoups). Method returns a soup.
   // soup { entry int, action string, active bool }
   Soup FindObjectSoupEntry(GameObjectID goid, Soup dsp)
     int entry;
     string action;
     Soup rsp = Constructors.NewSoup();
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<dsp.CountTags(); i++)
       entry = Str.ToInt(dsp.GetIndexedTagName(i));
       Soup sp = dsp.GetNamedSoup(entry);
       if (sp.GetNamedTagAsGameObjectID("goid")==goid)   // TBD: goid compar ison
         return rsp;
     entry = actsTools.GetObjectSoupGap(dsp);
     if (entry==dsp.CountTags()) rsp.SetNamedTag("action","APPENDED");
     else rsp.SetNamedTag("action","INSERTED");
     return rsp;
   // Search the goid and update, insert or append the soup to register
   // Parameter osp is the posted ObjectDataSoup. The other three are the
   // dispatcher's object soups subsoups.
   void AppendInsertUpdateObjectDataSoups(Soup osp,
                     Soup ContSps, Soup StackSps, Soup CraneSps)
     string type = osp.GetNamedTag("type");
     GameObjectID objgoid = osp.GetNamedTagAsGameObjectID("type");
     Soup objsps = Constructors.NewSoup();
     if (type == "CONTAINER") objsps = ContSps;
     if (type == "CONTSTACK") objsps = StackSps;
     if (type == "CONTCRANE") objsps = CraneSps;
     Soup entry = FindObjectSoupEntry(objgoid, objsps);
     // entry { entry int, active bool, action string }
     // actions = ["APPENDED", "INSERTED", "UPDATED"];
     osp.SetNamedTag("active", true);
     osp.SetNamedTag("action", entry.GetNamedTag("action"));
     objsps.SetNamedSoup(entry.GetNamedTagAsInt("entry"), osp);
     // Post retour that register is updated
     GameObject obj = Router.GetGameObject(objgoid);
     PostMessage(obj, "DISPATCHER",
                      "OBJECTSOUP_" + entry.GetNamedTag("action"), osp, 0.0);
     if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
             + " [" + dispgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]"
             + " DISPATCHER OBJECTSOUP " + entry.GetNamedTag("action") 
             + " " + type + " GOID [" + objgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]");
     if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
             + " CONTENT OF " + entry.GetNamedTag("action") + " SOUP FROM GOID"
             + " [" + objgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]");
     if (acts_debug) actsTools.ShowSoup(osp,"OSP=>");   
   public void RegisterHandler(Message msg)
     if (msg.dst==me and msg.major=="REGISTER")
       if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
               + " ["+dispgoid.SerialiseToString()+"]"
               + (cast<GameObject>msg.src).GetGameObjectID().SerialiseToString()
               + "] [" + msg.major + "] [" + msg.minor + "]");
       if (msg.minor=="REGISTER_ME")
         // Update, insert or append the ObjectDataSoup
         Soup RegDataSoup = Constructors.NewSoup();
         if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(Interface.GetTimeStamp()
                       + " SOUP CONTENT OF 'DataSoup To Register' GOID"
                       + " [" + dispgoid.SerialiseToString() + "]");
         if (acts_debug) actsTools.ShowSoup(RegDataSoup,"=>");
                           ContainerSoups, ContstackSoups, ContcraneSoups);
         // TBD: Repost or update additional informations
         //   * CONTCRANE: Repost a goid list of reachable stacks. The contcrane
         //       itself informs the stacks about it's object data to update the
         //       maximum count of stackable containers.
         //   * CONTSTACK: ???
         //   * CONTAINER: If a container has no stack place, randomly attach
         //       him to a free stack place and repost it. In case there is no
         //       one, repost an empty stack goid with place zero.
         //       TBD: What happens if the stack it attached to does not exist?
         //            Possibly handled as a free container?       
 class acts_dispatcher isclass acts_dispatcher_script
   public void Init()
     // Make shure that the right module is set for World.GetCurrentModle()
     // (see world.gs lines 939ff.) to start driver only or surveyor only
     // related initiations and tell me, if my Init and SetProperties methods
     // are finished
     AddHandler(me, "World", "ModuleInit", "WorldInitHandler");
     AddHandler(me, "OBJECTINIT", "", "ObjectInitHandler");
     AddHandler(me, "REGISTER",   "", "RegisterHandler");
     // Set asset special initial values
     objecttype = "DISPATCHER";
     isInitMethodFinnished = true;
     PostMessage(me,"OBJECTINIT","INIT_FINNISHED",0.0);   // Init method finnished


 include "mapobject.gs"
 // Common aCTS values V0.1 - Dispatcher, Container, Stack, Crane Tools Script
 class acts_global_values isclass MapObject
   // Global variables
   bool acts_debug = true;
   float baseboardwidth = 720;
   // Technical values from normatives
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   int container_length_10ft =  2991;   // in [mm]
   int container_length_20ft =  6058;   // in [mm]
   int container_length_40ft = 12192;   // in [mm]
   int container_length_45ft = 13716;   // in [mm]
   int container_length_53ft = 16154;   // in [mm]
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   int container_width   = 2438;   // in [mm]
   int container_height  = 2591;   // in [mm]
   int container_deltahc =  305;   // in [mm]
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   bool isWorldInitFinnished = false;
   bool isInitMethodFinnished = false;
   bool isSetPropertiesMethodFinnished = false;


 include "acts_global_values.gs"
 // Common aCTS methods V0.1 - Dispatcher, Container, Stack, Crane Tools Script
 final static class actsTools isclass acts_global_values
   // Log soup content of a soup of soups only and without subsoups
   public void ShowSoup(Soup sp, string ind)
     if (sp.CountTags()!=0)
       int i;
       for (i=0; i<sp.CountTags(); i++)
         if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(ind + sp.GetIndexedTagName(i)
                 + " ["+sp.GetNamedTag(sp.GetIndexedTagName(i))+"]");
   public void ShowSoups(Soup soup, string indent)
     string ind = "="+indent;
     int sc = soup.CountTags();
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<sc; i++)
       if (acts_debug) Interface.Log(indent + i + ".SubSoup");
   // Set all ObjectSoups active false and get the last insert gap
   // TBD: Starting with a sorted soup 
   public void ResetObjectSoups(Soup soup)
     int i;
     int gap = soup.CountTags();;
     for (i=0; i<soup.CountTags(); i++)
       int tn = Str.ToInt(soup.GetIndexedTagName(i));
       Soup sp = soup.GetNamedSoup(tn);
       if (sp.GetNamedTagAsBool("active"))
       } else soup.RemoveNamedTag(tn); 
   // Return the first indexed gap in existing objectsoups tagnames
   public int GetObjectSoupGap(Soup soup)
     int i;
     for (i=0; i<soup.CountTags(); i++)
       if (soup.GetIndexForNamedTag(i)==-1) return i;
     return soup.CountTags();
   // Generate soup representation from WorldCoordinate
   public Soup WCoordToSoup(WorldCoordinate pos)
     Soup sp = Constructors.NewSoup();
     return sp;
   // Generate WorldCoordinate from its soup representation
   public WorldCoordinate WCoordFromSoup(Soup sp)
     WorldCoordinate WC;
     WC.baseboardX = sp.GetNamedTagAsInt("bbx");
     WC.baseboardY = sp.GetNamedTagAsInt("bby");
     WC.x = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("px");
     WC.y = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("py");
     WC.z = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("pz");
     return WC;
   // Normalize the WC to baseboard width
   public WorldCoordinate WCoordNormalize(WorldCoordinate WC)
     WorldCoordinate nWC;
     int bx = WC.x * 1000.0 / baseboardwidth;   // Basebord delta
     if (WC.x < 0.0) bx--;
     nWC.baseboardX = WC.baseboardX + bx;
     nWC.x = WC.x - bx * baseboardwidth;
     int by = WC.y * 1000.0 / baseboardwidth;   // Basebord delta
     if (WC.y < 0.0) by--;
     nWC.baseboardY = WC.baseboardX + by;
     nWC.y = WC.y - by * baseboardwidth;
     nWC.z = WC.z;
     return nWC;
   // Adjust baseboard from one WorlCoordinate to another
   public WorldCoordinate 
          WCoordAdjustBaseboard(WorldCoordinate frWC, WorldCoordinate toWC)
     WorldCoordinate adjWC;
     adjWC.x = toWC.x + (frWC.baseboardX - toWC.baseboardX)*baseboardwidth;
     adjWC.baseboardX = frWC.baseboardX;
     adjWC.y = toWC.y + (frWC.baseboardY - toWC.baseboardY)*baseboardwidth;
     adjWC.baseboardY = frWC.baseboardY;
     adjWC.z = toWC.z;
     return adjWC;
   // Generate soup representation from Orientation
   public Soup OrientationToSoup(Orientation rot)
     Soup sp = Constructors.NewSoup();
     sp.SetNamedTag("gx",rot.rx * 1800.0 / Math.PI);
     sp.SetNamedTag("gy",rot.ry * 1800.0 / Math.PI);
     sp.SetNamedTag("gz",rot.rz * 1800.0 / Math.PI);
     return sp;
   // Generate Orientation from its soup representation
   public Orientation OrientationFromSoup(Soup sp)
     Orientation OR;
     OR.rx = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("rx");
     OR.ry = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("ry");
     OR.rz = sp.GetNamedTagAsFloat("rz");
     return OR;
   // Adjust location and orientation to even mm and even 1/10° inplace
   public bool AutoAdjustTransformation(WorldCoordinate W, Orientation O)
     float rd;
     bool changed = false;
     if (W.x<0) rd=-0.0005; else rd=0.0005;   // rounding to full [mm]
     int wcx = (W.x+rd) * 1000.0;
     if (W.y<0) rd=-0.0005; else rd=0.0005;
     int wcy = (W.y+rd) * 1000.0;
     if (W.z<0) rd=-0.0005; else rd=0.0005;
     int wcz = (W.z+rd) * 1000.0;
     // rounding to full [1/10°] - here only z-axis, x,y-axis are set to zero
     // to make shure the CTS is horizontal plane
     if (O.rz<0) rd=-0.5; else rd=0.5;
     int orz = O.rz * 1800.0 / Math.PI + rd;
     if (W.x != wcx/1000.0) {W.x = wcx/1000.0; changed=true; }
     if (W.y != wcy/1000.0) {W.y = wcy/1000.0; changed=true; }
     if(W.z != 0.0) { W.z = 0.0; changed=true; }
     if(O.rx != 0.0) { O.rx = 0.0; changed=true; }
     if(O.ry != 0.0) { O.ry = 0.0; changed=true; }
     if(O.rz != orz * Math.PI / 1800.0) 
     { O.rz = orz * Math.PI / 1800.0; changed=true; }
     return changed;
   // Auto adjust WorldCoordinate and Orientation to [mm] and [1/10°]
   // Adjusts the object and returns original and adjusted WC and OR as soup.
   public Soup AutoAdjustMapObject(MapObject M)
     // M = cast<MapObject>(me);
     bool changed = false;    
     Soup sp = Constructors.NewSoup();
     WorldCoordinate W = M.GetMapObjectPosition();
     Orientation     O = M.GetMapObjectOrientation();
     sp.SetNamedSoup("OriginalLocationSoup", WCoordToSoup(W));
     sp.SetNamedSoup("OriginalOrientationSoup", OrientationToSoup(O));
     changed = AutoAdjustTransformation(W,O);
     sp.SetNamedSoup("AdjustedLocationSoup", WCoordToSoup(W));
     sp.SetNamedSoup("AdjustedOrientationSoup", OrientationToSoup(O));
     sp.SetNamedTag("changed", changed);
     return sp;

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