Class GSTrackSearch

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Revision as of 10:36, 31 July 2008

  • A class enabling the searching of a length of track for Trackside items.
  • The GSTrackSearch class provides an interface to access certain items along a track in a specified direction from an existing trackside item.
  • A GSTrackSearch object can be obtained by calling the BeginTrackSearch() method on the Trackside item that you want to start your search from.
  • The SearchNext() and GetMapObject() methods are provided to get a reference to a discovered Trackside object.
  • The reference returned by these methods can be cast to Trackside child classes to find out if that item is in fact a Signal or a Junction for instance. As the script code doesn't know what the next item will be, always verify the cast.
  • Since Vehicles and Locomotives descend from Trackside, searches can be initiated from rolling stock and rolling stock will be returned.
  • GSTrackSearch methods will also find SceneryWithTrack and descendants, although the information which can be obtained from them is limited and these objects cannot be used to initiate a search.
  • The search will continue (following the direction set by any junctions) until it is blocked by:
    • A junction set against the track
    • A turntable.
    • A crossing.
    • The end of the line.

  • See TrackSearch for details of enhancements being developed for future versions of the game.



public native GSTrackSearch Trackside.BeginTrackSearch(bool direction)


public native float GetDistance(void)
  • None
Returned Value
  • The distance in metres from the origin of the search to the object at which the search cursor is currently pointing.
float distance = gst.GetDistance();


public native bool GetFacingRelativeToSearchDirection(void)
  • None
Returned Value
  • True if the returned object orientation matches the direction of search, false otherwise.
bool facing = gst.GetFacingRelativeToSearchDirection();
  • Note that it is the direction of the search that matters, not the facing direction of the search origin.
  • A search forwards from a fixed object such as a Trigger will return true for any returned trigger which has the same orientation as the source.
  • A search backwards from a fixed object such as a Trigger will return false for any returned trigger which has the same orientation as the source.


public native MapObject GetMapObject(void)
  • None
Returned Value
  • A reference to a MapObject or null if nothing has been found.
MapObject mo = gst.GetMapObject();
  • MapObject returns Trackside descendants including Vehicles and SceneryWithTrack descendants including Industries.
  • Ensure that you attempt a cast to SceneryWithTrack and Trackside if you want the maximum possible amount of information from the search.


public native MapObject SearchNext(void)
  • None
Returned Value
  • A reference to a MapObject or null if nothing has been found.
MapObject mo = gst.GetMapObject();
  • SearchNext moves the search cursor to the next object if such an object exists.

Known Issues

  • GSTrackSearch will return a null reference if it finds certain types of Crossing objects, but will continue searching beyond them if asked. As a result of this it is often necessary to make repeated calls to SearchNext following a null return to decide whether you have reached the end of the track or whether your search has simply been interrupted by one or more crossings.

Code Examples

  • This code fragment implements a search forwards from a locomotive. The distance from the locomotive to any discovered object is printed to jetlog.txt
  • The process continues until the search returns a null value (which might be a crossing or the end of the track) or the distance from the train exceeds 1km.
GSTrackSearch gst = Loco.BeginTrackSearch(true);          // obtain a GSTrackSearch object
MapObject mo = gst.SearchNext();                          // initiate the search
while (mo) {                                              // continue as long as objects are present
  float distance = mo.GetDistance();                      // how far ahead the object is
  if (distance() > 1000.0) break;                         // break from the loop if the distance exceeds 1km
  Interface.Print("object found at " distance " metres"); // print out the results
  mo = gst.SearchNext();                                  // search for the next object

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