File list
From TrainzOnline
This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
18:36, 13 March 2013 | Blender mat notex.png (file) | 85 KB | Uschi0815 | (example settings for a m.notex material in Blender) | 1 | |
07:21, 23 January 2015 | Blender preview notex.jpg (file) | 30 KB | Uschi0815 | (Preview of the given material settings in TS12) | 1 | |
07:24, 23 January 2015 | Blender material notex.jpg (file) | 64 KB | Uschi0815 | (Example settings for a notex material in Blender) | 1 | |
07:51, 23 January 2015 | Blender preview onetex.jpg (file) | 35 KB | Uschi0815 | (Preview of the given settings for a m.onetex material ) | 1 | |
07:53, 23 January 2015 | Blender material onetex.jpg (file) | 64 KB | Uschi0815 | (example material properties for a onetex material) | 1 | |
07:55, 23 January 2015 | Blender texture diffuse onetex.jpg (file) | 104 KB | Uschi0815 | (example diffuse texture properties for an onetex material) | 1 |