KIND MOCrossing
KIND MOCrossing provides combined rail and road crossings that react to trains or script control. This allows animation, special lighting effects and attachment points for rail track and roads.
Contents |
KIND Hierarchy
Parent Classes
Child Classes
- none.
Supported Tags
Example Config.txt
The following is an example level crossing consisting of script animated boom gates, and flashing lights, however, only the config.txt entries are discussed here. Some duplicate entries in the config.txt file for the corona effects are not shown to conserve space.
Note that an animated mocrossing can be created without the use of scripts, the animation being triggered automatically by a train. Animation events may also be linked to an animation key-frame to give control over effect and script timing. The track and road types are specified in the attached-track and the meshes are within the mesh-table. An invisible road KUID may be useful for this type of model.
kuid <KUID2:######:######:1> light 1 kind mocrossing trainz-build 2.5 category-region "AU" category-era "1980s" region Australia class modular_xing script kuid-table { corona_red <KUID:-3:10112> road <KUID:###:####> } mesh-table { default { mesh anim boomgates.kin auto-create 1 effects { pole1-light1 { kind corona att a.pole1-lamp0 texture-kuid <KUID:-3:10112> } pole1-light2 { kind corona att a.pole1-lamp1 texture-kuid <KUID:-3:10112> } boom1-light1 { kind corona att a.boom1-light0 directional 0 texture-kuid <KUID:-3:10112> } boom1-light2 { kind corona att a.boom1-light1 directional 0 texture-kuid <KUID:-3:10112> } } } } attached-track { track { track <KUID:-1:15> vertices { 0 a.track0a 1 a.track0b } } road { track <KUID:###:####> useadjoiningtracktype 0 vertices { 0 a.road0a 1 a.road0b } } } string-table { } username QR Level Crossing category-class TR description "QR level crossing with animated boomgates and flashing lights."