How to Use Environment Tools

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The information in this Wiki Page applies to TANE, TRS19, Trainz Plus and TRS22. A video tutorial specific to setting the environmental controls in TRS19, Trainz Plus and TRS22 can be found at TRS19 Environment and Lighting Tutorial


In Summary:
DotPoint.JPG The Environment Tools are used to set:-
  • the skybox - to configure the cloud cover
  • the weather - from rain to snow to clear. Weather can also be set from the Main Menu - Settings options and by using Session rules
  • the wind speed - which will affect the swaying motion of Speedtrees
  • the snowline - the minimum snow altitude for assets that have a snow effect layer. Used with world origin altitude setting
  • the date - for assets that have different seasonal options. Used with world origin to set the season of the year
  • the lighting - the light levels and colours through a 24 hour period
  • the water colour and water surface effects (smooth, rough, etc)
  • the road traffic - enabled/disabled
  • the world origin - geographic coordinates (used with date to set the season of the year) and altitude (used with snowline to set snow effects)
DotPoint.JPG The Time of Day is set using Session rules such as WikiLink.PNG Startup Option Rule and WikiLink.PNG Time and Rate Rule

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG There is no Save or OK button on the Environment Tools Window. As soon as you enter or select a setting it will be set. When finished editing simply click the window Off button BUT make sure you SAVE before exiting Trainz
DotPoint.JPG Seasons (for those assets that show seasons - e.g. snow, leaf colours, etc) are controlled by the PageLink.PNG Date, PageLink.PNG Snow Altitude (for snow effects) and PageLink.PNG Location (World Origin) settings
DotPoint.JPG The dates at which the seasons change in Trainz are:-
  • March 1st - Southern Hemisphere Fall (Autumn), Northern Hemisphere Spring
  • July 1st - Southern Hemisphere Winter, Northern Hemisphere Summer
  • October 1st - Southern Hemisphere Spring, Northern Hemisphere Fall (Autumn)
  • December 1st - Southern Hemisphere Summer, Northern Hemisphere Winter

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Loading and Saving Environmental Settings

DotPoint.JPG A newly created Route will have its environmental settings set to their default values
DotPoint.JPG A newly created Session will have its environmental settings set to those of the Route
DotPoint.JPG Where both the Route and Session have saved environmental settings, then those in the Session will be used

In Routes

  • When you create a new Route, or load an existing Route with NO saved Environmental settings, then the settings used will be the default values.
  • If you change any of the Environmental settings of a Route then you must also edit the Route (e.g. change or edit a Route asset or feature) and save it for those settings to become part of the Route.

In Sessions

  • When you create a new Session, or load an existing Session with NO saved Environmental settings, then the Session will use the settings that are part of the Route. These could also be the default settings.
  • When you load an existing Session with saved Environmental settings, then the settings from the Session will take priority over any settings that have been saved in the Route.
  • If you change any of the Environmental settings of a Session then you must also edit the Session (e.g. change or edit a Session asset or property) and save it for those settings to become part of the Session.

PencilTips.PNG Because a Session can have its own environmental settings you are able to create Sessions set in different conditions - for example:-
  • separate summer and winter sessions or for any season - see the PageLink.PNG Set Date and PageLink.PNG Set World Origin sections below
  • an early morning winter fog Session - see the PageLink.PNG Fog Control section below
  • a spring rain shower Session - see the PageLink.PNG Set the Weather section below
  • a cool overcast autumn (fall) Session - see the PageLink.PNG Set the Sky section below

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The Environment Tool

Open the Environment Tools Editor from the Surveyor Main Menu in TANE as shown below left or from the Surveyor Edit Menu in TRS19 and later versions as shown below right.

EnvironmentLaunch.PNG    EnvironmentEditLaunch.png    In all versions select Edit Environment

This will open the Environment Properties Window as shown below.

DotPoint.JPG The Clock Dial shown in this tool does NOT set the game time. It sets the times at which lighting conditions change
DotPoint.JPG To set the Game Time add the Startup Options Rule or the Time and Rate Rule in the Session Editor

TRS19 and later Trainz versions have an additional control that adjusts the lighting level, as shown below

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DotPoint.JPG The Lighting Tools control the ambient, sun and water colours. This tool tab is opened by default whenever the Environment Editor is opened

Light and Time

DotPoint.JPG The dial shown is a 24 hour clock that sets the lighting conditions at selected times of the day and night

The Diurnal Cycle

Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Click the Diurnal Cycle button to set the clock running through the full 24 hour cycle in just 30 seconds
  • Click it again to stop the cycle

The scene shown in Surveyor will display the lighting conditions that correspond to the time on the clock as the hand sweeps around.

The Time of Day

DotPoint.JPG You can select a specific time by dragging the clock pointer arm to the corresponding position on the clock dial.
EnvironmentSetDial.PNG The scene shown in Surveyor will display the lighting conditions that correspond to the time shown on the clock

Setting the Lighting Conditions

Colour Control Points

The ring around the dial contains a number of green dots.

DotPoint.JPG Each dot is a Control Point that sets the specific Red, Green and Blue colour values, and other lighting features, at the time shown on the clock


Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Select, by clicking, one of the green points around the ring
  • The clock dial will immediately point to the selected dot and time

The control point will be highlighted and the RGB Wheels will display one set of Red Green and Blue values that have been set at that point


DotPoint.JPG Each colour value can be altered by dragging its needle point to a new position around the dial. Each new position will change the balance between the 3 colours and will alter the lighting displayed in the scene at that particular time.

Types of Lighting

NotePad.PNG Notes:

Each control point stores the RGB values for three different types of lighting in the scene.

  • The Ambient Colour which is the directional lighting and mostly affects the hue of buildings and other scenery objects
  • The Sun Colour which affects the colour of the sunlight and mostly affects the hue of the terrain
  • The Water Colour which affects the colours reflected by water surfaces

The 3 boxes below the colour wheels and next to the Sky box show the colour effects created for each type of lighting at the selected time.

Ambient Colour


Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Click on the control point for the time that you want to edit
  • Click on the top box of the three. This is the Ambient Colour
  • The dials will show the RGB values for the Ambient Colour at the selected time
  • The Ambient color preview box will show the colour produced by the RGB settings
  • You can then change the RGB settings for the Ambient Colour by either:-
  • dragging the pointers to new positions on the coloured rims of each dial, or
  • clicking the mouse on a new position on the coloured rims of each dial

Sun Colour


Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Click on the control point for the time that you want to edit
  • Click on the middle box of the three. This is the Sun Colour
  • The dials will show the RGB values for the Sun Colour at the selected time
  • The Sun color preview box will show the colour produced by the RGB settings
  • You can then change the RGB settings for the Sun Colour by either:-
  • dragging the pointers to new positions on the coloured rims of each dial, or
  • clicking the mouse on a new position on the coloured rims of each dial

Water Colour

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG This Water Colour control only affects the colour of the water created using the Add Water tools in the Topology menu (key F1 in Surveyor Classic).
DotPoint.JPG The water colour used by the Water Effects Layer (Edit menu, Edit Effects Layer) is controlled by the top Skybox colour as the water surface will reflect the colour from the sky. See PageLink.PNG The Skybox below.
Stop.PNG Water Colour values set for one control point become the values for ALL the control points

Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Click on any time control point
  • Click on the bottom box of the three. This is the Water Colour
  • The dials will show the RGB values for the Water Colour
  • The Water color preview box will show the colour produced by the RGB settings
  • You can then change the RGB settings for the Water Colour by either:-
  • dragging the pointers to new positions on the coloured rims of each dial, or
  • clicking the mouse on a new position on the coloured rims of each dial

Mixing Colours

NotePad.PNG Notes:

Getting the "right colours" can be more of an art than a science. To set the exact colour you want means mixing the correct quantities of Red, Green and Blue. Each of these colours has 256 different values from 0 to 255 that, when combined, produce over 16 million different possible colours - but many monitors and most eyeballs will not be able to tell the differences between many of those 16 million colours.

PencilTips.PNG Setting all three colours to the same values will produce monotones from Black to White with 254 different shades of gray between those two tones.

DotPoint.JPG You can quickly set all three dials to the exact same value by holding down the Shift key as you click on a dial position on any one of the three dials.

Note that in the examples below, the "tyre" around each dial shows the exact quantity of colour that is being added.
R = 0; G = 0; B = 0 R = 128; G = 128; B = 128 R = 255; G = 255; B = 255
EnvironmentAmbientColour01.PNG EnvironmentAmbientColour02.PNG EnvironmentAmbientColour03.PNG
Black 50% Gray White

All other colours are made by mixing different quantities of the three colours.

Example  1:  Setting Grey Scale Values for the Ambient and Sun Colours

This is an example only

Setting both the Ambient and Sun colours to different shades of grey, as shown in the example below, can solve many brightness issues.

Time 06:00 07:00 10:00 12:00 18:00


Environment0600.png Environment0700.png Environment1000.png Environment1200.png Environment1800.png

RGB values (all 3 RGB dials set equally)
Ambient 128 192 224 255 128
Sun 160 192 224 224 192

Brightness (TRS19/Trainz Plus/TRS22) 40% 50% 50% 50% 40%

Example  2:  Setting a Water Colour

Creating a colour suitable for water (RGB values are approximate)
BlueMix01.PNG Starting with pure Blue
R = 0; G = 0; B = 255
BlueMix02.PNG Add pure Green to make the colour Cyan
R = 0; G = 255; B = 255
BlueMix03.PNG Scale back (darken) the Green
R = 0; G = 155; B = 255
BlueMix04.PNG Scale back a bit more
R = 0; G = 128; B = 255
BlueMix05.PNG Add some Red

R = 75; G = 128; B = 255

TRS19/Trainz Plus/TRS22 Lighting Level Control

In TRS19 and later Trainz versions users have an additional control that is placed next to the Ambient, Sun and Water colour boxes. This sets the overall brightness or lighting level for each control point.


Steps.PNG Steps:

Select a control point, then:-

  • Move the slider to the BOTTOM to give maximum brightness level
  • Move the slider to the TOP to give minimum brightness level
  • Move the slider to a point in between these two positions for an intermediate lighting level

Repeat for each control point as required.

Resetting the Lighting Conditions

DotPoint.JPG All the lighting colour settings can be reset back to the Trainz default colours.


Steps.PNG Steps:
  • Click the Color Reset button, then either:-
    • Click the Tick.PNG icon to accept the reset, or
    • Click the Cross.PNG icon to reject the reset

Adding a New Control Point

DotPoint.JPG New control points can be added to the clock dial

Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Click the Add button EnvironmentAddPointButton.PNG
  2. Click on the ring at the place where the new control point is to be located
NotePad.PNG Notes:

The Add button will remain active (selected) until it is deactivated so clicking on the ring again will add another control point.

The button can be deactivated by clicking on it again or by selecting another button.

NotePad.PNG Notes:

During the running of a Session the lighting will "morph" or "transform" at a steady rate from the set of colour values at one control point to the set of colour values at the next control point. Click the Diurnal Cycle button for a demonstration.

DotPoint.JPG If the control points are far apart then the transition will be gradual
DotPoint.JPG If the control points are close together then the transition will be faster
DotPoint.JPG If there are several control points grouped closely together then the transitions can be more dramatic

The places where you would need faster dramatic transitions would be at dawn (around 06:00) and dusk (around 18:00)

Deleting a Control point

DotPoint.JPG Existing control points can be deleted

Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Click the Delete button EnvironmentDeletePointButton.PNG
  2. Click on the control point to be deleted
NotePad.PNG Notes:

The Delete button will remain active (selected) until it is deactivated so clicking on another control point will also delete that point.

The button can be deactivated by clicking on it or by selecting another button.

Moving a Control point

DotPoint.JPG Existing control points can be moved

Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Click the Move button EnvironmentMovePointButton.PNG
  2. Click on the control point to be moved and either:-
  • hold the mouse button down and drag the point to its new position around the ring, or
  • click on the ring at the spot where the point is to be placed
NotePad.PNG Notes:

The Move button will remain active (selected) until it is deactivated so clicking again on the ring will move the selected control point again.

The button can be deactivated by clicking on it again or by selecting another button.

The Skybox

DotPoint.JPG The Skybox sets the sky colours in three different regions of the sky at the selected time of day, as shown in the extreme example below

NotePad.PNG Note:

Each control point also stores the Skybox settings for that particular time

Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Select a control point for a specific time of day
  2. Click in a region of the Skybox (top, middle, bottom) - a while line or bar will appear across the selected region
  3. Set the RGB color wheels for the selected region
  4. Repeat for the other two regions and for other times of the day/night as needed

In the areas between the three regions the colours will be blended to create a smooth transition.

PencilTips.PNG Do you need an Overcast Sky for your scene?
  1. For each daylight control point set each Skybox region (top, middle, bottom) to shades of gray (see Mixing Colours above).
  2. In the Environment Tab (see below), set the Sky Type to No Cloud 01

Note: This will not remove or hide the sun.

Fog Control

DotPoint.JPG This controls the level of "fog" in the scene

Gears.PNG Settings:


  1. Select a control point for a specific time of day
  2. Move the slider to the required position
  3. Repeat for other times of the day/night as needed

NotePad.PNG Note:

Each control point also stores the Fog settings for that particular time

PencilTips.PNG Increasing the fog level can also increase the brightness level (real fog does scatter light causing the background to appear brighter). In TANE you may need to reduce the RGB levels to compensate. In TRS19/Trainz Plus/TRS22 you can reduce the Brightness level to compensate.
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DotPoint.JPG The Location Tools control the geographic and date (season) data for the Route and Session. Click the Location tab icon to open the Location Tool Controls

Set Date

The top section is a standard calendar selection tool that allows you to set the month and the day of the month. The only effect this has in Trainz is to set, with the geographic coordinates, the season of the year.

Gears.PNG Settings:

Set the Month by scrolling left or right through the 12 month calendar
Set the Day (if required) by clicking on the date in the selected month

NotePad.PNG Notes:

It is possible to set a particular Year by scrolling through all the 12 month calendars to reach the required year BUT this will have no effect on the operation of the Route or Session. Setting the year to 1900, for example, will not recreate an early 20th Century railroad. Time periods have to be recreated by carefully selecting scenery and rolling stock assets that belong to that particular time period.

DotPoint.JPG The entered date can be saved in the Route, the Session or both depending on whether you are editing the Route or the Session or both
DotPoint.JPG You must make a change to an object in a Route Layer or a Session Layer for the date change to be recorded as part of the Route or the Session (or both)

PencilTips.PNG Sick of it always being winter in your Session during winter? Want it to always be summer instead?

Set the date to a Summer month. This will be saved when you edit and save the Session.
BUT make sure that you have set the World Origin to the correct hemiphere.


 To Set The Route Date: 

  • Load a Route into Surveyor
  • Change the date
  • Edit the Route (e.g. edit a Route Layer object or the terrain)
  • Save the Route

 To Set The Session Date: 

  • Load a Session into Surveyor
  • Change the date
  • Edit the Session (e.g. edit a Session Layer object, a commodity item or Session Rule)
  • Save the Session

 To Set Both The Route and Session Dates: 

  • Load a Session into Surveyor
  • Change the date
  • Edit both the Route and the Session
  • Save both the Route and the Session
NotePad.PNG Notes:

There is an order of priority with dates in Routes and Sessions

DotPoint1.JPG If the Route and the Session are saved with different dates, then the Session date will decide the visible season.
DotPoint2.JPG If a Session does not have a saved date, then the Route date will decide the visible season.
DotPoint3.JPG If no date has been saved in the Route and the Session, then today's date will decide the visible season.
This order of priority applies to all Environmental Settings except the World Origin which only applies to a Route.

Set World Origin

The middle section is the World Origin Tool and sets the geographic location, including the altitude, of the route using a World Origin marker that is only visible in Surveyor.

DotPoint.JPG Setting the World Origin does NOT set regional features such as which side of the road the cars drive on. Use the Route Editor - Region setting for that
DotPoint.JPG The World Origin is always part of a Route, not part of a Session


Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Move the Surveyor view to the location where you want the marker to be placed
  2. Click on the Add world origin button
  3. Click the selected location in the layout to place the marker

Clicking a second time will simply move the marker

The World Origin marker

Once it has been placed, the marker can be moved by dragging or clicking with the mouse. After adding the marker it should be edited to add geographic data.

EnvironmentOriginGo.PNG Click the Go to world origin icon to move the Surveyor screen so that it is centred on the World Origin marker.
EnvironmentOriginEdit.PNG Click the Edit world origin icon to set or edit the World Origin data. See Editing the World Origin below.

Editing the World Origin

EnvironmentOriginEditData.PNG Enter the geographic data for the world origin.
  • Latitude and Longitude in degrees and minutes (with seconds added as the decimal fraction of the minutes - 10'30" would be entered as 10.50)
  • Hemispheres - North/South and East/West. The North/South setting along with the Date will set the season of the year
  • Altitude in metres. This, with the Snowline setting, will affect the appearance of assets that have a snow effect layer

DotPoint.JPG The Latitude determines the sun angle and, with the Date, the season of the year.
DotPoint.JPG Setting a high latitude value North or South will NOT change the times of sunrise or sunset. They are fixed at 06:00 and 18:00.

The Reset button sets all values to their defaults.
Click the Tick.PNG icon to accept the entered data
Click the Cross.PNG icon to reject the entered data

Deleting the World Origin

DotPoint.JPG There is no delete button for the World Origin marker, but you can still delete it

Steps.PNG Steps:
  1. Open the Objects Tool in the Surveyor screen
  2. Select the Delete tool
  3. Click on the World Origin marker

NotePad.PNG Notes:

All routes MUST have a World Origin.

If you delete the marker then the World Origin will be hidden and will take the default coordinates of latitude 52.45 N, longitude 13.3 E, altitude 0 metres - which places it in Berlin(??).

Traffic Control

DotPoint.JPG This tool simply turns the road traffic ON and OFF

NotePad.PNG Notes:

This road traffic tool:-

  • only works on roads that have been designed to use road traffic (not all roads support traffic)
  • does not set the road traffic characteristics - the number and types of vehicles, which side of the road is used. These features are set in the Route Editor - Region by assigning a Region to the route. Details on how to create and assign a Region asset can be found in the
WikiLink.PNG Create a Region Asset Wiki page



Gears.PNG Settings:
  • Click the car icon to enable and disable traffic

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Weather and Water

DotPoint.JPG The Weather and Water Tools control the weather (sky, weather type, wind, snow) and water surface data for the Route and Session. Click the Weather and Water tab icon to open the Weather and Water Tool Controls
DotPoint.JPG To set the Water Colour, refer to the PageLink.PNG Setting the Lighting Conditions section above


Set the Sky

DotPoint.JPG This sets the basic sky and cloud characteristics

Gears.PNG Settings:
  • Click the Sky Title (Cloud Cover) to select from a drop down list of sky types, or
  • Scroll through the list by using the Scroll icons

The box below the sky title will give a preview of the selected sky.

Set the Weather

DotPoint.JPG This sets some very basic weather conditions. The set conditions will be constant throughout the running of a Session.

Gears.PNG Settings:


Move the slider to set the weather between Rain and Snow

NotePad.PNG Notes:

There are Session Rules that also control the weather, including changeable weather conditions.

Check the Trainz Wiki Session Rules list at WikiLink.PNG Session Rules - Weather

Wind Strength

DotPoint.JPG This setting only effects SpeedTrees

Gears.PNG Settings:

Move the slider to set the wind strength between zero (left) and maximum (right)

Set the Water Surface

DotPoint.JPG This sets the water surface effects

Gears.PNG Settings:
  • Click the Water Surface to select from a drop down list of surface effects, or
  • Scroll through the list by using the Scroll icons

Set the Snow Altitude

DotPoint.JPG This sets the altitude at which objects with snow effects will display those effects. It has no effect on objects created without this feature

Gears.PNG Settings:


Enter the altitude, in metres, at which snow can appear.

NotePad.PNG Notes:

DotPoint.JPG The snow effects will only appear if the altitude of the terrain is at or above the snow altitude
DotPoint.JPG Only those assets that were created with a snow layer will be affected by this setting

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